Weight - 149.0
Total Loss - 5 lbs
I finally finished following the Jackie Warner Diet 10lbs. In 10 Days. My total loss was 5 pounds. Days 8-10 was a roller coaster of weight gain and loss due to the fact I'm gaining water (ladies will know what that means.)
However, because I only lost five and not ten pounds, leads me to believe that maybe this diet works the best on people who have MORE body fat to lose than I do. I was only doing this to get rid of those last pesky 10 pounds. If you know how your body responds to depleted calories, and it works well, this would be a great diet for you. You never feel hungry as long as you remember to eat, and eat EXACTLY what's written out.
BUT there are several things about my body that I've learned on my overall 2-year fitness journey.
First, the best I have ever looked was after intense, 5 days a-week training on a carb-cycling diet for 6 months.
Second, my body responds best to high intense training and complex-carbs.
Jackie's book has exercise circuits and programs laid out for you day by day. Alternating between body parts and exercise. She recommends a lighter weight than I'm used to, so I added weight. Personally, I have done all the exercises before so I knew what I was doing, however if you are new to exercising, keep with the recommended weight, and always remember to keep your back straight as a board to prevent injury.
The book also recommends mini cardio bursts in between circuits, which I'm used to doing, however I am also used to doing HIIT Intervals on the treadmill for 30 minutes AFTER training. You would NOT do this on this ten-day period because you are consuming so little calories in a day. If you burn too many calories in a day, you run the risk of reaching an unhealthy weight complete which can lead to potential health problems.
Why did I not lose 10 pounds? Who knows. I am happy with the weight I did lose, I feel tighter and look a hair skinnier. 5 more pounds would be great. But keep in mind there is no 'one size fits all' diet. I know what my body responds to best, which is more food and intense training.
HOWEVER, Jackie Warner states in her book that this was developed for her celebrity clients who need to lose weight fast for either nude scenes or red carpets. If you need to lose that weight that fast, I recommend this 10 in 10 diet. But I would not go any longer than 10 days on the same diet and training because of the lack of calories.
My personal goal is a figure competitive look. To get there, you train hard and eat harder. This was JUST for bathing suit season and to get me started at a lower weight than I was at.
In Jackie's book you have the option to continue on a 20 day cycle and a 30 day cycle. These phases include more calories and a training program which is typical of how to tone up and get lean. If you're in it for the long haul, continue on these next two phases as I will.
Thank you so much for all your comments and input in these last ten days. I will not be posting every day about this particular diet plan, as I think I am going to try paleo next, so I will be posting about that next, as well as life in general.
If you are looking for a personal trainer, check out Alpha Elite Training. They really get it done!
Thanks for reading!