About My Blog

Life is meaty.  Meat has gristle.  Sometimes, the gristle is full of flavor and even though you know you shouldn't eat it, you secretly want to take another bite.  Other times, you crunch down on a bit that has your crown filling flying out of your mouth.

This blog is about all aspects of my life.  From the wonderful juicy flavor to thoughts and concerns.  I like conversations about almost anything, and I would love to hear feedback.

There are many aspects to life.  I would like this blog to be a place where we can share new information with one another.  I will post recipies, crafts, new paintings I've done, thoughts about current events, my days at the gym, etc. etc.

Eventually, I would like to include reviews and giveaways as well.  We can all help each other by passing it along, and bite into the gristle of life!

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